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poop problem

18 16:46:04

Hi Jill,
I have a 3 year old blue heeler mix named Spud who has started pooping on cement floors in our home.  We've recently put an addition on our house including a garage and an extension to our basement.  Spud, who is not supposed to be in the basement in the first place, has taken to sneaking down there at night and pooping on the floor in the new uncarpeted section.  If we leave him in the garage for any length of time (as little as 15 minutes), he poops in there too.  We live on a farm and he has ample time outdoors, especially when it's nice out.  I don't understand why he has started doing this, nor do I know how to address this behaviour as I have never caught him in the act.
Any light you could shed on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

It's possible that Spud, unfamiliar with the new flooring (cement) has found it necessary to "mark" it, just in case.  The answer is: close the basement door so he cannot get down there and don't leave him in the garage for any reason.  If you find poop because he's somehow managed to evade closed doors, IN HIS SIGHT, but without looking at him or involving him, express indignation (OH MY GOD WHAT IS THIS), pick up the poop, and take it outside to a grassy area; put it down there and express your relief "MUCH BETTER!" with a smile, all the time ignoring the dog. Sounds bizarre, I know it does (LOL!) but it DOES convey to the dog that the poop found in its cement based location is something YOU DO NOT LIKE while on the grass it's just wonderful.  You'd be surprised how quickly dogs get this.  Additionally, observe Spud when he's outside and if he is eliminating in your sight, praise him (What a good dog! good pooping!) and give him a treat.  Blue Heeler's an especially smart dog (that's why they get into so much trouble in homes where people don't know how to live with them), he will get the message.