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Springer Spaniel extreme fear

18 17:01:19

Someone has dropped off a young looking Springer Spaniel near our home.  We cannot catch the dog (someone called the dog catcher - he wasn't successful either, thank goodness) it ranges a small area and sleeps close to the road on a bank by night.  It acts like a Springer Spaniel that my son-in-law rescued from a breeder who was going to shoot the dog for being "dumb and untrainable" and distracting to his mother who was a hunting dog.  The impression is extreme fear and timidness.  What can we do or should do?  The dog is breaking my heart.

   Thank you for being such an animal lover. If I were in your situation I would leave out some wet dog food for the dog in a crate with some warm blankets in a secluded area near where the dog normally stays. You might even want to put a small music player near the cage playing some comforting nature tunes which can be purchased at your local Target store. I can see why you don't want the dog catcher to get the dog, but would you rather the dog be taken to the pound and given to a good home (maybe you can adopt it?) or possibly get attacked by another animal, hit by a car, or even starve to death? Sorry to be so descriptive. Try getting a cage to trap the dog in so you can remove it from danger. Let me know how it goes.