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my dog dont trust me

18 16:53:15


Akita mix with german
I have an akita mix with german shepherd for about 10 Months his name is torch he was in the animal shelter for about two months when i adopted him he wasn't trained so now he runs away alot i can't walk outside with him or he's gone i walk him i try to train him but it don't work and i think we don't have a real strong relatoinship. so please help it will be great thank you

I wouldn't allow him off leash until he has a lot more training. A good positive-based class might be very valuable to you, and really help your relationship with him. He's young, he's been through a lot, and he's probably not even really sure that he's not just in an other temporary situation. Some dogs can take up to a year to realize that they really are "home". So be patient, be fair. Don't ask more of him than he's actually been trained to do, and he'll come around. Sandy Case BFA, MEd CPDT