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peeing on owner

18 17:05:19

My sister has an 11 month old wire hair doxie names Tommy that was given to her about 6 mos ago. She also has 2 long haired female doxies. Tommy is very bonded to her husband and will usually let him know when he has to go out. But even after my sister lets Tommy out and gives him attention, he will pee and on several occasions has peed on her foot or underneath her chair. Is this a sign of submission or dominance or something else.  And how can she stop  him from doing it?  Incidentally he is crate trained and doesn't make mistakes in there.  Thank you for your help!

Hi Leah, Tommy needs to be going on walks at the heel with both owners. You did not mention if he was neutered or not, but either way, he is surely trying to exhibit dominance by urinating on his owner. She should also get a good doggie deodorizer and really scrub up any of the scent that the dogs have left in the house. Being properly crate trained is wonderful, but it should never be used as a place of punishment. The best thing for them is to go out on long walks or jogs. This will exercise his mind and body while increasing the bond between them. Leave me some feedback and keep me posted on how it goes. Regards, Susan