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Dog doesnt mind!

18 17:05:03

How can I get my 4 month old Chihuahua to come to me.  If she picks up something in her mouth that she shouldn't have I have to chase her around and/or give her a training treat to retrieve it.  Any suggestions.  Thanks.

Hi Jon, She must learn to come, give, drop, leave it... These are basic obedience commands. Since she is only 4 months old, I would not say that you have behavioral problems, she simply needs basic obedience and socialization skills so that she does not develop bad habits. As you can see bad habits can develop quickly, so read books, take obedience classes, go to puppy soon as possible. Don't rush her, she is still young. Put a leash on her and take her for walks at the heel every day, as often as you can. You will be exercising her body and mind, making her more receptive to your training. She will also be learning to follow you, not run from you or ahead of you. Once you are walking her on a lead, you can work on the recall. This is when you put her on the lead and say "come", giving he a slight tug towards you. Look into some basic obedience classes in your area. You will be pleased to find that they are not expensive, worth every minute of your time, and that your dog is not behind the learning curve. Please leave me some feedback and follow-up to let me know how things are going. Thank you for writing. Regards, Susan