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obsessed with genitals

18 17:04:53

I have an 11 year old beagle who has a problem with licking his genitals constantly!  He will lick himself until he ejaculates.  I have to constantly wash his bedding.  he is also very obsessed with other dogs' genitals.  He has not always been this way.  He is not neutered and I am wondering if getting him neutered will stop this behavior.  Obviously I know why he does it, but how do I get him to stop?

Hey, Leticia,

I'm not sure this is really a behavioral question as much as it is a medical one. Without question neutering will definitely stop the ejaculation, and it may very well get rid of the problem behaviors as well. But don't go by me. You should really discuss this with his vet.

I hope I was at least of SOME help!