Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > Dog aggressive english bulldog

Dog aggressive english bulldog

18 16:18:00

I need all the help I can get w ny 2 year old female english bully. She gods after any dog she sees. Then she starts breathing iratucallt for hours after wards. Im consistant w the NO! An I keep trying to interact her w0 others not giving up ive tried everything. Need your help!  

First, please answer some questions for me (copy paste questions with answers into followup form)

*  How long have you had this dog
*  Is she spayed, what age
*  If you had her from early puppyhood, what sort of socialization did you do
*  What methods have you attempted to stop this behavior
*  Describe "goes after any dog she sees" as fully as possible
*  Has she ever caused injury to another dog
*  Are you upset when you see another dog approaching
*  Do you use any collars that inflict pain (choker or pinch collars)

I need as much information as possible in order to help you counter condition (or attempt to counter condition) your dog.  Thank you.