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Excessive barking

18 17:04:47

I have a 3 years old male Japanese Spitz. He lived in a house with us and has
always been barking at anything. We tried positive training, but it never
worked. Recently we moved to a unit and I have received complaints about
dog barking. I am deseparately needing help to stop his excessive barking,
since I don't want him to be taken away. I am not sure if citronella or electric
collar will be a solution for me? I had researched on the Internet, but I am not
sure is it suitable for my dog. Is it necessary to take him to the vet before I
decide to go onto any of these?

Hi Carmen, The citronella bark collars do work on some dogs. But I would recommend training him by walking him every morning and when you are home, then setting rules and boundaries in your home, one which is no barking. Every dog should know what "shhh" means. If you tell him to stop barking and he does not, simply touch his neck, if he persists gently roll him onto his side, like a mother dog would do, not hurting him. You will see great strides. If you are uncertain about doing this correctly call an canine behaviorist in your area. Leave me some feedback and let me know how you are doing. Regards, Susan