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my yorkie

18 17:01:00

hey i just recently adopted a 7 year old yorkie and he isn't really eating or drinking maybe a few bites a day. he was under weight when i adopted him so since he hasn't been eating he hasn't gotten better. he is also shaking what is wrong with him or is this normal? He just recently got a very short hair cut and his previous owner always kept his hair super long could he just be cold? if so does he need like a sweater?
Please help

Hi, Glenda,

Thanks for the question.

Your dog is probably in shock from the change of environment. Some dogs don't adapt very well to new circumstances. Give him a few days, get down on his level a lot and hand feed him all his meals, even lie on your back next to him and let him investigate you. Talk sweetly to him (which I'm sure you're already doing), and try not to make any sudden moves or loud noises. Give it a few days, and if he's not better, I'd call the vet to see if there's a medical condition.

I hope this helps,