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my staffie bitch

18 17:01:09

she just finnished her season so we went for a long walk when we got back she were acting odd scratching the car seats and at home her bed and the lounge carpet panting and dashing around never been like it befor

Intact bitches can have false pregnancies, and they perform various "nesting" behaviors at that time.  If she has not been with an intact male, then that's a definite possibility.  I don't mean to be rude, and I don't want you to take this in any other way but in you and your dog's best interest, but prudence dictates that I ask - if you are a pet owner, and not knowledgeable enough to have known the answer to this question without seeking help, then is there a reason you are keeping her intact?  If you are planning to show in the conformation ring, then I understand, but if not, why not go ahead and spay her?  Unless she is a particularly stellar example of the breed, there are far too many homeless AmStaffs and other bully breeds and their mixes these days...and you will reduce the possibility of an unwanted litter or some of the various diseases, including mammary cancer, that intact bitches are subject to.  Unless you have a show or work prospect, only a disreputable breeder would be likely to have sold you a puppy without a spay/neuter contract.