Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > DOG AGGRESIVE TOWARDS VISITORS


18 17:05:17

Hi, I have a 1 year old german shepherd, male, neutered.  He is very affectionate and generally obedient to my husband and I.  We adopted him at six months of age from a gentleman and he has done very well with us, BUT he is very unfriendly towards ALL visitors, no matter how frequently they come over.  Today he actually lunged at my sister who was visiting and this really disturbed me!  No matter how much we tell him its ok, these are nice people, it seems to further his determination to make everyone feel threatened.  I need some help, I am at a loss as to how to handle this worsening situation!, Thanks so much,
God Bless,

Hi Rachel, Assuring him that guests are okay is not the solution to your problem. He needs to know that you and your husband are the pack leaders and are there to be in charge of who comes and goes. Claim the door when someone knocks or rings, by putting yourself between him and the door. Tell him to sit and wait. Do not let him advance towards the door or move while you let your guest inside. Have your guests ignore him, tell them not to look at him and to just walk by. If he goes to move towards them, make a SHHH noise or say NO and touch him in the scruff of the neck if you need to do so. This will help to establish yourselves as the pack leaders and he will learn to be submissive and calm when people visit. He is a herding dog and it is normal for them to try to move people and other animals around, so you need to correct him and give him a good job to do, such as walking, jogging, rollerskating with you or something fun to expend his energy each day. Thanks for writing. Leave me some feedback and let me know how things go for you. Regards, Susan