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Sleeping Problem

18 17:00:36

Our 12 yr old Aussie female has recently begun to wake up every night
around 1:30 am. She paces in an anxious state for about 2-3 hrs before
settling down again. While pacing, she frequently tries to sit or lie down but
gets right up again. We take her out but it doesn't change the behavior. She
also seems hungry. This has been the case for the past 5 days. She never got
up in the night before. During the day, she seems normal. Appetite and
energy level good. Any ideas?

Have you talked with your vet about this? It sounds to me like it is likely to be a physical problem - possibly she is in some pain. I'd ask for bloodwork (which is always a good idea to do quite frequently with seniors)and have the vet give her a complete physical. Also ask for a 6-panel thyroid test - not just a T4. At that age, she may also be starting to have some cognative problems. Dogs, like humans, can suffer "sundowners" where they are pretty alert during the day, but they become confused at night. Ask your vet about medication for that. Anapryl is frequently prescribed, and I've had good luck with cholodin. You might also ask the vet about using melatonin to help regulate her sleep pattern. But first thing is that trip to the vet, and always talk to him/her before deciding to add an OTC medication, to be sure it is safe for your dog's condition. Any time an old dog's behavior changes, I'm first looking to see if there is a physical problem. Sandy Case MEd, CPDT