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aggrssive bitch

18 16:59:18

Hi I have a 6 year old bitch that has always been quite dominate, and I also have a 12month old puppy during the day they are fine they are outside together with out a problem, but over the last week at certain times my older bitch attacks the puppy. she usually get narky when on season and even though she is due into season she is showing no signs. Is there anything I can do?  

I presume your puppy is also female?  It's not uncommon for two females to develop a problematic relationship.  What I don't understand is why you're allowing a dog in your household to remain unspayed, ESPECIALLY if you know that hormonal affect can produce aggression problems.  You need to consult a credentialed animal behavior expert, a Ph.D. or DVM.  if you're in the UK, the APBC has headquarters in London.  I suggest you get their phone number.