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dog reluctant to walk

18 16:33:41

Dawn is an 8 year old rescued golden labrador.  right from the start when we got her at about age 3 she did not know how to go for a walk - it seemed.  then we trained her.  Now at age 8 she goes readily for brisk walks with her holiday family, mother and 3 children when we are away. But at home she is very reluctant and very slow at walking with my husband, my son and myself on different walks in our area.  we cannot figure it out.  Can you help?

There appears to be something on these walks that prompts the dog's reluctance, or she wouldn't be so willing to walk with her holiday family.  This clue leads me to assume that it MAY be something in your environment (at dog eye level) that she has acquired a fear response to; OR it MAY be something YOU have done (inadvertently).  Let's start with the first premise: something in the environment, dog sees/scents/hears, has created a fear response (could it be the FIRST TIMES you attempted to walk her you may have done something: jerked the leash, gotten frustrated, etc., that the dog then imprinted on the immediate environment?)  TEST: take dog in car a few blocks from home, then WALK BACK HOME and observe her body signals.  WHEN does she first appear to be hesitant to go forward?  or, DOES she appear hesitant to go forward at all, or does she just happily go back home?  DO THIS TEST then report back with the followup feature.  IF the dog has a trigger (something about setting off FROM HOME for walks that you don't see or recognize), this trigger will most likely repeat on the way HOME; IF the dog has a conditioned fear response to something done when you were first attempting to encourage her forward, this hesitancy will persist even when you walk her BACK HOME from the car ride.  Report results, we'll go from there.