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Husky-Timberwolf Hybrid

18 16:50:59

I was actually given a husky-wolf hybrid by a friend of mine. She is only about a year old and seems to be extremely playful. However, my problem is the fact that I have two children under the age of five, and I am afraid to let them play with her because of what she is. I was wondering what you knew about this type of hybrid and if she is safe to play with my children.

Hi, Dustin,

Thanks for the question. Sorry for the delay; my internet service has  been spotty (or nonexistent) this week.

I'm sad to say I don't have any knowledge or experience with hybrids. My feeling is that it all depends on the individual animal, but that the mix of domestic and wild genetic material could end up being problematic.

You should take whatever precautions you think are right and proper, and you should probably talk to someone who has more experience working with them. Sorry I couldn't be of more help,