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Dog eating holes in walls and diggingin yard.

18 16:53:55

I have a 15 month weimeraner that has started putting holes in the kitchen walls.  It appears that she digs at the walls.  She has free roam of the house and also a dog door to go outside whenever she wants.  She only does this when we are not home, which is normally for about 4 to five hours at a time they are alone.  We also have a mixed breed that in 10 years and a toy poodle that is 9 months.  All three dig holes in the yard, and we put a mole chaser out there thinking that was the problem, but it has not helped.  I just do not know what to do, but I can't keep patching the walls.

Hi Laura

You need to look at why your dogs are behaving like this.  It is either distress/fear/anxiety at being left or boredom.  Weims are extremely high energy breeds, bred to work out in the field for hours at a time.  Is she getting sufficient off lead exercise?  Dogs which are being left for long periods should want to use the time to sleep and relax if they are happy and settled.

the fact that your dogs all dig in the garden (a perfectly normal canine behaviour) could indicate that it is just a behaviour she enjoys and is continuing indoors to pass the time.  

As you suggest it has been a sudden change in behaviour I would also suggest you get her checked by the vet to rule out an any health problems.  Is she trying to eat or lick the plasterboard at all?

You could set up a camcorder to film her when she is left - it would be helpful to know if she is distressed, excited, bored etc and also to see how soon after you go out the behaviour starts.  Does she show signs of worry when you are getting ready to leave?

It is a difficult problem when your home is being wrecked and you have my sympathy.  You will need to do some further investigating to find out why she is doing it, then treat the root cause.

