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my dogs growling problem

18 17:10:21

Hi, I have a 6 year old golden retriever, named Shaydah(female)   her problem started when she was 3.  When my neice was born. my neice lives with us any time she comes near the dog, the dog growls.  now she has gotten in a habit and she growls at almost everyone. I need help!! how do i stop her growling problem?!?!?

Dear Kayla,
Thanks for the question. Shaydah has learned to like the bio-chemicals (adrenaline, dopamine, et cetera) that are released in her brain when (and immediately after) she growls. She's addicted to those feelings and she is learning how to get her brain to release them in more situations, such as growling at all strangers.

Your goal is to teach her to relax, first when no other people are nearby and then, slowly over time, practice relaxation when people are nearby, and then when people are very close. You pay her for relaxing with food, attention and touch.

It's not difficult to learn how to fix it, it's more difficult to prevent it during the treatment period. Every time she growls at strangers, the behavior is "growing interest". It will happen more often and in more situations.

First, avoid all situations that trigger the growl. Visit this web site and read this article written by a vet behaviorist. The article is titled Changing the Owner Pet Relationship. She explains how miscommunication often send our dogs the wrong signals. In addition, she explains the first step in any treatment program.

Buy the book, The Cautious Canine by Patricia McConnell. There you will will find the subsequent steps.

Consider a session or two with a trainer that has experience working with these type cases. Here are two web sites with information about trainers.

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Happy Training! Happy New Year!

Alan J Turner

Owner: How's Bentley, Memphis, TN

Editor: Animal News Network
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