Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > My Bichon keeps licking my Golden Retrievers head until it bleeds

My Bichon keeps licking my Golden Retrievers head until it bleeds

18 16:37:35

My 1 year old male Bichon keeps licking my 3 year old male Golden's head every chance he gets. It has been licked raw a couple of times. The Golden just lies there and lets him. What can I do to get my Bichon to stop? Every time I turn around he is at it. Thank-you.

Train the Golden (they're such brilliant obedience dogs) to do something on command: a "go to" command is best.  With the Bichon in another room (several times a day), toss a treat (in sight of the dog with his full attention) into a place in your home (some corner or even in the middle of a room, this doesn't matter) and as the Golden goes toward the treat, say "Go to Place".  Repeat this randomly throughout each day (with the Bichon either absent or not close enough to respond) until the Golden follows this direction from a yard, then two yards, then another room, etc., whereupon you will jackpot (leave a pile of tasty treat) at "Place" to reinforce the Golden's motivation to "go to".  Once the dog can perform this ten out of ten times, use this command to get the Golden UP on his feet and moving every time you see the Bichon initiate this grooming behavior.  You may not be able to interrupt each grooming event (because you might not see them all), but consistently interrupting a majority of them will hopefully disrupt the behavior sufficiently to stop it.

If this isn't doable for you or doesn't work (after a few weeks), ask the veterinarian for something topical that won't harm the Golden's skin but will make this extremely unrewarding for the Bichon.