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Barking dog

18 16:52:57

I have a cockapoo and lately when we go to bed he will go up under my bed and bark. I try to get him on the bed but he doesn't come till later. Also at times he will go up under a bed off the living room and bark again. Both times appear to be for no reason although I am inclined to believe that something is causing him to bark.Do you know why?

Now, this is odd!! Can you think of anything that might have originally triggered this behavior (such as a thunderstorm, loud sudden unexplained noise in the room, etc.?) Have you added anything new to your room immediately before this behavior began (like a chair, etc.)?  This sounds like a superstitious behavior that the dog has acquired after responding to something that frightened him and made him go under the bed; he appears to be anticipating something.  Your best response is to totally IGNORE IT.  I think you are contributing (totally without meaning to, of course and out of kindness) by attempting to urge him onto the bed; that is a reward to the dog.  His behavior, whatever started it, is getting your attention.  Like children, dogs often produce behaviors because they are rewarded by attention (even negative attention!)  Instead of attempting to cajole him or comfort him, LEAVE THE ROOM and close the door behind you; count to ten; open the door and go back into the room.  If the dog persists in barking (he can stay under the bed so long as he doesn't bark...he'll soon give up on staying under the bed) leave the room again and close the door.  Set the dog up for this treatment by "going to bed" a bit earlier a few nights in a row just so you can attempt this counter conditioning.  If he goes into the other room as you described, close the door to the room and leave him in there; count to ten; open the door; repeat until he is out from under the bed.  If your response is a non-reward (and in fact, punishing, since he will not want to be left alone behind a closed door), it's more likely to extinguish quickly.  Let's try this "quick fix" method for a few days and see how it works.  Please repost with results.