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teacup poodle behavior

18 16:53:37

i have a teacup poodle and lately she scratches on everything she will lay on blankets, piles of dirty laundry, closets but before she lays down she will scratch around for a few minutes i have to watch her to make sure she doesnt go to the bathroom she has never done this before until a couple weeks ago. what could it be?

Dear Chesea,

Many dogs scratch the ground before they lie down.  I can't tell you the exact reason for it but I have seen it quite a bit and my own German Shepard Dog scratches the carpet before she lies down.  Lots of behavior will appear as a dog moves from puppyhood into adulthood and even as they age.  If your veterinarian can rule out medical causes for the scratching/peeing, then I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Thanks for writing.
Suzanne Harris, BSc, CPDT