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PTSD in Combat dogs

18 16:34:18

Do you have information about K-9's used in combat that develop Post Tramatic Stress Disorder. I was told this is occuring and that the symptoms can range from being extremely afraid or inappropriate aggression. An example given to me was that some of the dogs in extreme cases, during suspect apprehension and building search are identifying women and children as appropriate threats. I have searched and searched for an article on this but have found few. Although the person who told me this, I believe to be truthful, to explain to my peers that this is occurring I wanted to ask and expert and find an article or story also talking about this. Thank you

I would venture to say that it is quite possible.  We know that dogs develop phobias in response to traumatic noises or episodes, so it makes perfect sense that, despite good training, some dogs will react to the circumstances of war in that way.  I found the following:
As you can see by the last article, the development of phobias generally occurs at the age of social maturity and dogs that were not properly socialized by age 14 weeks are more prone.  It used to be that trainers thought dogs should not start training until age six months, and as you can see, that would be well past the optimal socialization age.  Also, the type of training and service that war dogs get occurs in their prime, just at the age when phobias are likely.  That's why protection dog handlers will tell you that you don't want an aggressive dog for that work, you want a *stable* dog.