Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > My cat has multiple bumps around his throat area....

My cat has multiple bumps around his throat area....


I love my cat very much, so I scratch and pet him every day.  Until a week ago I noticed a bump on his throat (like a tick)..... but didn't see anything!  Few days later, he has another one?!  He's an inside cat, never goes out.....have another older cat, way older, with no symptoms! Should I be conserned and take him to the vet? (and he's only 2 years old) Please help me to make him feel better! Thank you!

Hi Zach,

It's the best idea to get your kitty to the vet whenever you discover something that isn't usually there. I'm not sure if the bumps you're feeling are on the outside of his skin or on the inside, but the causes can range from allergies (if on the skin) to infection (if on the skin OR under the skin) or potentially even cancer (especially if under the skin). Only a vet can say for sure what you're dealing with. Once a diagnosis has been made, the vet can prescribe a proper treatment and have your kitty on the road to recovery.

Best of luck!
