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Breeding after C section


Two months ago, my 3 year old dam suffered a stalled labor and with no signs of progression after pharmacological induction, she ended up having a c-section. Her past 4 pregnancies have all been uneventful and produced healthy kittens.  Should I be concerned with any future pregnancies and how long should I wait before breeding her again.
thank you

I am rather concerned that your girl has had 4 litters when she is only 3 years old. In fact she has had 5 if you count this last c.section one!   She should not have been bred from until she was 1 year old and then should have had litters at ideally 12 month intervals. I think her body is now saying enough is enough and she either needs a long rest or needs to be neutered. In my opinion she certainly now needs a very long overdue rest and if not being neutered she needs a 12 month break.  

