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salt tank filtration set up

25 9:37:15

QUESTION: I'm getting a 75 gallon ready to potentially be a reef tank. I will have live rock and sand. I'm finding conflicting information on whether I need a canister filter/skimmer/power heads only, OR a sump/powerheads and skimmer, with no canister filter....what components do you recommend for filtration? The sump seems awfully involved, but if it's the best way to set it up I'll go that way.
Thank you!

ANSWER: Hello Rae,

there are many different factors and vairables to make a blanket reccomendation.  Each component you mention has pros and cons.

I would prefer a sump, aka wetdry trickle filter.  these are easier to clean and can be modified or used in different manners.

A cannister filter is ok for office type of setups that maybe have a tank maintence contractor to clean it.

I always reccomend skimmers, and all the better ones would recquire a sump to place them in.

A sump also has the ability to put other componenets in it and keep them out of site of the display, i.e. heaters and probes and whatever...

Power heads and good flo are a requirement for corals so if you plan on mixed reef setup you will either want some good power heads or a closed loop system.  (external pump that sucks and blows water directly into the tank)

The more equipment you tend to have the more stable things usually are and the less maintenance required...  i.e. a protein skimmer will help remove DOC and and maybe let you go an extra week before a water change...

Anyways, i hope this helps, please let me know if you have any further questions or clarifications.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much.  So with the sump set up, I don't need a canister filter then? How big of a tank does the sump need to be for 75 gallons?


I would reccomend the biggest tank/sump you can afford, both in price and in space.

It doesnt have to be 'engineered or designed', it can be a simple tank from petco or walmart.  If you want to get technical you can add 'baffles' so you can make compartments for refugium or for skimmers.

Good luck
