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Setting up an 125 gallon reef tank

25 9:28:32

Hi, I'm interested in starting a 125 gallon reef  tank. I have a 55 gallon reef now with some fish live rock and corals. However I want to upgrade to a 125 gallon with radeon led lightning.
I was wondering what equipment I would need to start a brand new reef.
I was thinking of starting with reef-saver rock instead of live rock to minimize the algae growth.
If you can send me a list of what I would definitely need and what is extra it would be awesome.

Thanks so much for your help.

well first off, the dry rock is a great idea, live rock is overrated and does not benefit an aquarium much, besides cycling it a bit faster. it also saves a ton of money. for filtration i would suggest a refugium, which under a 125 should be at least 55 gallons. preferably the largest thing that can fit in the tank. the lighting you chose should work fantastic. you will also need a skimmer in the fuge, kinda a no brainer along with a heater and return pump. also for flow within the tank you may want to look into the mp40's or mp60's i personally dont have experience with these but i hear they are great powerheads, pricey though but worth every penny. i would look into getting an auto top off system along with an apex control system which will time lights, feedings, flow, etc.

hope that helps a bit
