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turtles and goldfish

25 10:00:24

I just bought 2 turtles for my kids - is it okay for them to be in the same aquarium tank??? Someone told me that goldfish have ammonia and it isn't good for the turtles to be in there with them... Thanks  

All aquatic animals produce ammonia with their waste.  Turtles and goldfish both make a LOT of waste.  A turtle tank is rarely clean enough to keep healthy fish alive in it.  Also, turtles will eventually try to eat your fish.  It is not a good idea to keep them together.  Turtles need different care than fish with 100% water changes and shallow water.  The ammonia levels will be high in a turtle tank, too high for most fish.  Here are some pages on my site that may be of use to you: - turtle tanks - turtle index - goldfish

Good luck!