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Frogs and goldfish (not koi)

25 10:01:17

Two questions:  I have some very large frogs (bullfrogs) as big as my they eat goldfish?  I lost about 10 over the winter and think maybe the frogs ate them before hypernating.There are 4 in my small pond, should I try to catch them?  Not sure how or what I should do with them. color are baby goldfish?  I have some brownish little fish...are they baby goldfish?  Thanks, I love my pond though, there is always something new...Right now there are loads of tadpoles....LM

Bullfrogs can eat fish.  How big the fish are that they can eat depends on how big the bullfrogs are.  Four bullfrogs could eat 10 goldfish but fish aren't usually their preferred fare.  You could try to net them and move them to a pond nearby (but not too close).

Newborn goldfish are brown.  They change color over time.  Enjoy your tadpoles!
