Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Our Koi is a prime suspect

Our Koi is a prime suspect

25 9:59:43

Hi. We have or had two goldfish and a Koi since they were very small early 2004. Well, we have a 65 gallon tank, and recently the smaller goldfish buddy has come up missing..... Where could he have gone, we don't know... My husband says Hoggie the Koi would never eat the other friend, Little Goldy, but Hoggie is a suspect for me... She looks a bit larger too.. Could she have eaten Little Goldy whole?

I just reset up my 65 gallon tank today myself.  How big are the goldfish and koi?  Koi can grow huge so your koi really needs a pond soon.  Koi don't normally eat goldfish but might eat little tiny goldfish.  It is more likely that the goldfish jumped ship, is stuck somewhere in the tank system, or may have died and then been eaten.  I'm hoping he's just hiding!  

I have a section on my site entitled, "Where did my fish go?"  See

Good luck!