Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > taro


25 10:01:31

we had a black magic taro plant in our was in a pot, filled with rocks,in the water. it thrived all summer.we were told to bring it in for the winter. we put it in a pot of dirt and brought it in 4 days its starting to sag, and appears to be dying. how can i save it? thanks for taking questions.

Keep the taro in a pot with dirt and topped with pea gravel.  Keep it soaked (add water daily).  It needs good light but can take less light than other pond plants.  It should get natural sunlight, full spectrum fluorescent light, or metal halids.  I have the fluorescents myself for my indoor plants and tropical pond plants for the winter.  I too have a black magic taro.  Mine has been in a few weeks.  Some leaves will die as it adjusts to its new life.  Once a leaf is 50% yellow or the stem sags totally down, cut it off at its base.  As those old leaves die, if everything is okay, new ones should come in.
