Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Small outdoor fish pond

Small outdoor fish pond

25 9:59:56

I have recently moved into a rental home in Fresno, CA (central CA) and am not sure where to begin.  There are goldfish in the pond and they are living but the pond is low on water.  Although it isn't completely empty it doesn't look more than about 6-8 deep. It has below freezing here the past 4 nights but the pond has had only a slight layer of ice. It has melted away during the day.

The question is:  Should I add water to the pond or leave it the level it is at until it warms up?  


Sorry I couldn't answer your question yesterday.  I couldn't get into the account.

Yes, add water now.  Also, add dechlorinator with it which is sold at most stores that sell aquarium and/or pond stuff.  This will deactivate the chlorine.  It is stressful for fish to undergo large water changes, especially when there's some ice on the pond but it is more dangerous to have a low water level.  The low level not only concentrates toxins but makes the ice more dangerous.  You may lose some fish either way but certainly add water.  You can add it in portions if the pond is larger, say run the water for 10 minutes one day and 10 the next.  Check out my web site or ask more additional questions if you need to.  Good luck!
