Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Koi minnows/fingerlings

Koi minnows/fingerlings

25 10:00:25

I have at least 3 dozen koi minnows in my 10'x 12' pond with water lillies and water hyacynth plants. we spotted them about a year ago and several are now 5-6" long. The larger ones are getting a little lighter in color but have not turned into any distinct color yet.  At what point do naturally reproduced koi turn color?  What can I expect?

Thank you!

Are they koi or minnows?  There are no "koi minnows."  I assume you mean koi.  Koi normally get some colors close to what they'll have when still pretty small.  While a goldfish normally won't start changing colors until over an inch or two long, koi will show color almost as soon as you can see that they are real fish (and not looking like little bugs or whatever).  At 5" long, koi are normally close to what they'll be.  What colors are the parents?  Are any of them plain enough to match these babies?  Are you sure the younger ones are koi?  As the new Josh Groban song says, "Don't give up;" they may yet change color.
