Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > anacharis


25 9:59:56

Hi, I want to know how much oxygen anacharis normally produces, its natural habitat, how would it act to a colder environment, the plant structure (as in the stem and leaves. A picture would be helpful.), and how it uses the following vitamins: calcium, vitamin E, iron, and vitamin C.

I'm afraid this is out of my realm of knowledge.  On a hot day, I do know that a good amount of oxygen can appear on the leaves of anacharis.  It uses oxygen at night like all plants.  Anacharis will grow most anywhere where there is enough sun and nutrients, and it doesn't get eaten.  It prefers slow moving water that is under a few feet deep.  I don't have any good photos of anacharis.  I couldn't tell you how it uses Vitamin E or C and the mineral calcium and the heavy metal iron.  Now, I could tell you how much of those things were in the plant if I bought a bunch because I work in a food lab and personally test for Vitamins with my boss doing Ca and Fe.  We're busy though so it probably wouldn't be for free.  Sorry I don't have the information that you seek.  Good luck!
