Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > black bugs in pondw/lilies

black bugs in pondw/lilies

25 9:53:45

I have thousands of black bugs(looks like grains of dirt) in my pond with my water lilies and fish. What to do ? I have had my pond for about 8 years and never had this.

Hi Patricia ... they could be any number of bugs... from water fleas to a parasite.  I would see if you can scoop some up in a jar and take it to your local fish store or county abatement center and see if they can identify the bugs.  I am hesitant to give you any specific thoughts because I can not see the bugs and I do not want to give you bad advice.  Most surface dwelling insects are usually harmless and ponds are full of beneficial creatures... but there are some dangers from pests such as anchor worms, etc.   dave