Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Bog plants

Bog plants

25 9:54:22

Do you know of any plants that can grow in a small space (aquarium) that can grow in sand?  The aquarium is half land, half water, and the land half will have 1 inch of water on top of the sand.  Plus, the plants need to be able to grow in low light.

I'm not good with plants, especially ones for terrariums and aquariums.  Few plants do well in low light.  There are some plants that may grow in sand with an inch of water.  I suggest asking your local aquarium store.  My local store sells some terrarium plants and emergent tropical plants that might work.  I'm afraid I don't have a specific species in mind.  As far as bog or pond plants, few will do well in low light or in sand (which isn't very stable).  You might try sweetflag as it can take low light and is pretty hardy.  It will need lots of space (a foot above the water at least).

Sorry I'm not an expert for your question.  Good luck!