Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > my black moor

my black moor

25 9:58:44

hi robyn! i just noticed today that my black moor has one eye significantly bigger then the other and the smaller eye is sort of wiggleing around when she swims almost like its about to fall off. is it going to fall off? will she survive? can i treat her with medicine if it does fall off?

please answer this asap!
thanks so much!

Yikes!  Eyes rarely fall off.  It may have been damaged.  If the eye does come out, the fish should survive as long as the socked doesn't become infected.  In that case, add aquarium salt, MelaFix, and antibiotics like Maracyn I and II by Mardel to kill the bacteria.  Is the larger eye abnormally large or is it that the other eye is abnormally small?  Enlarged eyes are called popeye.  Popeye can be caused by internal bacterial infections, water quality issues, and other things.  They are hard to treat but antibiotics may help some.  Test your water's pH, ammonia, and nitrite to be sure they're ok.  If they're off, it will make things harder for the black moor to heal.  Good luck!
