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back yard fish pond

25 9:54:35

I have had a gold fish pond in my back yard for about 15 years.  Not located in the best possible location as it is in an area of a lot of shade.  However - the fish seem to do well.  I have burned up several pumps over the years because of the leaves falling in and clogging the pumps.  Each time - I have purchased an even larger pump and filter system.  We have had an above ground swimming pool that we are going to remove.  My question is - could I use the sand filter and pump from the pool for my fish pond?  If so - what precautions should be taken to protect the fish?  Thanks for any help you may be able to give me.


Hello Ray!
A sand filter is not a good solution for a pond for several reasons:
1) It will clog very quickly
2) The sand is too dense and will not allow a beneficial bacteria colony to grow sufficiently to keep the fish healthy.
The solution to your problem may not be a bigger filter system, but simply a different type of pump. Many different "clog resistant" pumps are available now, many thermally protected, so they do not burn up like older and more simple pond pumps tended to do.
Tetra OFX, Cyprio Titan and Laguna Power Flo come to mind.