Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > building water fountain

building water fountain

25 10:01:48

Dear Leigh:

Could you give me some tips on how  to build a small water fountain in a half/barrel?.  We have a half barrel that we are thinking  about putting a small fountain with rocks in it.  We are not sure what kind of liner we will need or how to make the barrel water proof.  What sized pump would we use, etc.?

Thankyou for your help


Check out your local supplier and get a small fountain pump.
For that size you don't need a pump with a lot of volume. Get a pump and if it is too strong get a valve from an aquarium store to cut down the volume of water. The rule of thumb is recirculate the water once every hour for something that small you will probably need a control valve to prevent major spillage. You may have to experiment with the size of hose to get the desired effect. Go to a Home Depot center near you or any good builders supply center and get enough heavy plastic to line the barrel.

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