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Frog Problems

25 9:55:44

We love our pond.  Our goldfish have multiplied and are controlling the algea and minnow population, but we continue to have adult frogs which are creating problems with the neighbors due to their croaking.  Is there a way to get rid of the frogs?  
2nd questions - In order to add a turtle to the pond, what do I need to be aware of i.e, do I feed him or do they take care of themselves, should I buy a specific type of tutule for a pond?  I live in South Florida.

What species of frogs do you have?  How big is the pond?  Most frogs only make noise during breeding season.  Many of us love their noises but I know some people can't stand it.  

I started to write a page on deterring frogs at but never quite finished it.  It may give you some ideas.  Can you fence off the pond?  What about relocating the frogs?  Could you build a sound barrier between your pond and the neighbors?  I hope you can find a solution that doesn't harm the frogs but makes the neighbors happier.

My page on turtle ponds is at
If you have plants and animals in the pond, and it's big enough, the turtle doesn't have to be fed but most people enjoy feeding the turtle.  Feeding also reduces predation on the animals (including the goldfish) and plants.  In your area, you may want to buy one of the many species of sliders or cooters native to Florida.  Red-eared sliders are the easiest to find.  Cooters eat more plants while sliders eat more animals.  The Southern painted turtle is another option.  

Good luck!
