Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > new concrete pond

new concrete pond

25 9:52:05

we have a new concrete pond, can you please tell me if it is safe to put my goldfish in it or do we have to leave it for a certain time.  thanks pam

Hello Pam!
There are products available to "age" the Pond immediately to make it safe for fish.
In a concrete Pond, though, one of the most important things is to adjust the pH. Concrete will make the water very alkaline for a while. It is best to fill it and drain it several times first, to mitigate the chemicals from the cement. Then the pH should be adjusted to within 7.0 - 8.0.
After that you can use a commercially available "De-Chlorinator" (this should be done whenever new tap water is added) to age the water and make it safe for fish.