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25 9:54:31

I was wondering what kind of animals lived in ponds and lakes.
My class has a project and we got the biome Ponds&Lakes. I wanted to know what kind of animals and plants lived in them. Also I need to know how climate affects them. I would also like to know what kind of climate our biome is and what the average temperature in all four seasons. We also need the info about the average rainfall and other information about our biome. Problems Ponds&Lakes are facing is another information we need. If you can answer this thank you

There are simply too many plants and animals for me to list!  I suggest checking this book out of the library if they have it:

The Pond Life book covers everything!
Climate affects all life.  When things warm up, ponds tend to evaporate sooner in the summer and sometimes strand and dessicate aquatic animals.  The warmth also causes an overgrowth of algae which lowers they oxygen levels at night, denies light to higher plants, and alters the water chemistry (pH fluctuations for example).  Intense algae blooms can cause the death of a pond (all the higher plants and animals) in extreme cases.

I don't know where you live so I can't say what climate you have and its temperatures and rainfall.  Here's just one web site on biomes and climates: