Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Water hyacinth Dying

Water hyacinth Dying

25 9:54:03

Hi, i just had a few questions.  Today i looked at my water hyacinths and the leaves where turning yellow and have dots on them.  When i looked under the leaves there is what looked to be a white silky web with tons of white balls in it.  Is this whats causing them to die?  How do i get rid of whatever this is?   If you can organically, or something that wont harm the comet goldfish?  Please help.  THanks

Hi Dustin,

Your plants are probably infested with something called waterlily aphids.
They are very destructive and attack foliage and flowers.
They usually spend the autumn winter and spring on peaches or plum trees, then they move to waterlilies as soon as they put out their leaves.
Insecticidal soap or pyrethrum will take care of them.
Make sure to follow manufacturer's instructions.

Good luck
