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water hyacynth

25 10:01:10

I have three whiskey barrels that I have set up as a water feature.  I have put some water hyacynth in them alon with papyrus, and taras.  They seem to be turning brown on the ends.  I trim them back every day, but it seems to be getting worse.  I have been putting in some miracle grow along with back wash water from my pond.  Can anyone give me advice?

Hi Brad,
Thanx for your question.  Do not use Miracle Grow.  This will make the problem worse.  Some times the tips of water hyacinths will burn for no apparent reason but they usually recover quickly.  Don't trim them either as this makes it worse.  Allow them to heal slowly and they should recover nicely.  The more you trim the more the plant will resent the invasion of its tissue.  Miracle Grow can actually burn your plants.  I hope this helps.