Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Emergency advise!

Emergency advise!

25 9:54:08

I returned from a spring break trip to find my pond almost empty from a split seam. I've drained,scrubbed,rinsed and dried my kid's above ground swimming pool,and put twenty six hundred gallons of water in it with the right amount of chlorine/chloramine neutralizer. I've plumbed in the bio filter and pump to complete all the physical stuff.
my question is, will my fish be ok if i put them in the pool immediately?
I'm leaking 400 gallons a day from my pond, I'm constantly adding water,and the fish have been in as little as 9" of water. I have one 24" coy, two 15" coy, three 12" goldfish,thirty smaller goldfish, three bluegill,two turtles and a bunch of mosquito fish. they won't fit in the bathtub.
the fish and the plants will have to stay in the pool for a week as I have to break and replace the patio around the pond.

Hi Anthony,

Make sure that the water you use has a good amount of oxygen. There are oxygen test kits available in many pet stores.
Also make sure that the temperature of the pond and the emergency tank is the same.
Having plants in the tank will help the beneficial microorganisms.
The recommended rate for stocking fish in an unaerated fish in a pond is 0.42 cubic meter of water for every 30 centimeters of fish body, not including the tail.
Depending on the filtering system, you could almost double this amount.
Keep in mind that the colder the water, the more fish could be kept.

Keep in touch.
