Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > winterizing Koi

winterizing Koi

25 9:53:40

QUESTION: we live in Minnesota and our winters are very cold;
I will have to take my 2 koi out of the pond for the winter; what is the best way to keep them?

ANSWER: What size are you Koi?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My Koi "were" about 8" long;
I had put them in a regular fish bowl while waiting for your ansewer because it was getting below freezing here. 2 days later they both died. I had plants in it for oxygen and changed the feeding as directed in the feed, and also even used the water from the pond as to not shock them.

Hello again, Kitty!
So sorry to hear about you Koi, but please keep in mind that we are all volunteers here with regular day jobs and families. We answer as fast as we possibly can.
Koi need a lot of water per fish, lots of oxygen and filtration.
Oxygenators produce oxygen when exposed to sunlight, but they actually take oxygen out of the water when it is dark.
Small, Baby Koi can be kept in an aquarium with good filtration and aeration, mid-size Koi can be kept in a temporary Pond in the basement or sheltered garage.
Large, adult Koi are best kept in the Pond which has been adequately prepared with De-Icer(s) and air pumps.
Feeding must cease once the water temperature goes below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, because below that temperature the Koi can no longer digest food.