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Plants dying =(

25 9:54:21

Hi, my plants in my 20 gallon which are hygrophilia basalimica and green hedge are dying and turning brown. the temperature is around 78 degrees. i have a CO2 pump connected and everything. i was wondering what could be killing these plants? thanks.


I'm sorry about your plants.  You actually probably have more luck with plants than I do!  I have a black thumb.  I don't know much about the two plants you mention except that they are really meant to grow as emergent plants with the leaves out of the water.  They also need strong light and CO2.  If you just have fluorescent lights like most of us, it may not be enough light.  They may need natural sunlight or metal halides.  Here's one site I found about the first plant:

I didn't find much on green hedge but this page in the bottom in a box confirms what I thought - it's not a true aquarium plant and does poorly submerged in water.

Good luck!