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Have new frog in with male betta

25 9:15:20

I purchased a frog to add to my 2.5 gal., with a small filtration cartridge system, tank which houses one male betta fist and two snails.  The betta is thriving.  The snails are a new addition today as well.  However, the frog has kept itself at the surface of the water with it's head above the water line since being acclimated to the tanks' water temperature.  What is causing this to happen.  I was assured at the petstore that there would be no problem.  Is the frog sick?  Or is it my tank?  The betta has paid no attention to the frog.  But has flared it's "mane" at the snails.  Help.  I don't know what to do about the frog.  I am feeling badly for it.

Dear Kristi,
I'm sorry to hear about your frog. My first and foremost worry would be poor water quality affecting the little frog. I'm not for certain if your small aquarium has been cycled (established beneficial bacteria that convert fish wastes into less toxic compounds) but if it hasn't--this listless behavior can most certainly be a sign that the resulting poor water conditions are strongly affecting him.
If you have aquarium test kits for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate that would be wonderful to have on hand. If you do not have test kits or are in doubt, above-all do a 50% water change using an aquarium siphon. And always remember to make the replacement water equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and always dechlorinate it properly.

Water changes are one of the best things you can do for your frog and fish included. Bettas are hardy survivers but it could only be a matter of time before he begins to show symptoms of possible poor water quality. Not to blame you or anything at all. But please try doing a 50% water change and be sure to treat the replacement water correctly.

If even after the water change, there is still no improvement in the frog, please let me know...

I really hope this helps and I wish you the best with your little frog!