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black molly eye disease

23 16:27:39

Hello, first let me say thanks for the advice. I have a 6 year old girl who is
very attached to her black molly who we just found out has a swollen eye. it
is so swollen it actually is protruding out of his head and looks like it is ready
to rupture. I do not see any markings anywhere except, the eye itself, which
does not have any special markings except the pupil is huge compared to the
eye. Thank you again for helping

It could be two things: first, pop eye could be the culprit...second, it could be an eye injury. I suspect pop eye more than an injury unless you know of something that would cause the eye injury. Considering that it is likely pop eye, you will need to get a treatment that says it covers pop eye or eye parasites and diseases. Treat the fish following the directions exactly, including the water changes and dose. Also, try not to add too much stress to the fish. Hopefully the disease/parasite is not too advanced to be cured. I hope it works. Let me know if you need anything else or have any more questions.