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odd behavior

23 10:15:49

QUESTION: I have a 5yr old senegal, male I think. I got him from a rescue. He seems to have bonded with me. He is a really nice bird for the most part, but he has developed some odd behavior. He wants to be with me whenever I am home, but he suddenly started chewing on my hand. He is not hurting me, but he wants to chew continuously. He has also started dropping his wings down and bobbing his head. Any idea what this behavior means. Also can you recommend a good training book? I would like to teach him tricks and to talk better. He already says here kitty kitty, good morning, hello, cracker, he makes a kissing sound and whistles. But I would like to teach him more. Any help would be great, he is my first parrot, and I really love him and want him to be happy. Also, he seems to sleep quite a bit, is this okay?

ANSWER: Good for you for rescuing him! The behavior is a sexual action and when he starts to do that, just put him back on his perch (if he has a play gym) or back on top of his cage. As much as it's cute, it can cause him to become protective and aggressive.
There are a couple books I think you'll like. They're some of my favorites!
The first one has "tricks" and talking in it- The New Parrot Training Handbook by Jennifer Hubbard
The second will be VERY helpful once his "baggage" starts getting "unpacked". It's the Second-Hand Parrot by (I think) Sally Blanchard.
Good luck with him!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Can you tell me how long to expect this behaviour to last? I miss playing with and petting him. I will get both of the books that you recommended. Thank you for your time.

Well I don't remember exactly how long it lasts in Senegals, but I believe it will start to tone down a little between 6 and 8 years old and be almost gone by 10 years old. It will reduce greatly if you take a few steps to regulate his hormones. If he's eating a seed-diet (or eats seeds and nuts often) that has a large impact on his hormones. I would switch him to either Roudybush food or Harrison's (roudybush can be found online, Harrison's can usually be bought at your vet's office). They're no more expensive than other foods but do wonders for hormonally challenged birds. Neither contain the chemicals which encourage hormone production. Add a few hours of full spectrum lighting (featherbright or aviansun 5.0 can usually be found at pet stores) and you'll see a HUGE improvement. Remember to always talk to your vet before starting anything new (like the lighting-the vet will tell you exactly how much he'll need each day. Usually it's between 2 and 4 hours). Keep playing with him and petting him. Just don't allow him to show the sexual behaviors.
I totally missed the last question in your original question! If he's sleeping a lot more than usual, I would take him to the vet as this is a very early warning sign that he's sick. Now, he may just be sleepy or bored, but you want to rule out illness right away so that he doesn't get seriously hurt.