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My Green Amazon Parrot

23 10:15:50

I just "adopted" a new parrot and I am concerned about him getting enough sleep.     He sleeps from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. but then he seems to wake up when my husband gets up for work.    We both work so I was wondering if maybe Sammy sleeps during the day while we are away.   Any insight on your behalf is greatly appreciated.   Thanks.


Hello Rose and thank you for your post.
Your new friend is getting plenty of sleep.  He's sleeping for 8 hours or more at night, and undoubtedly he is napping during the day while you are at work.
I think he's getting plenty of sleep.  You'll know if he doesn't get enough sleep.  He'll be very cranky and not very active.

Good luck and God Bless.