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Lovebirds Foot/Toes Not Opening

23 10:08:12


I have a baby lovebird that is just over 8 weeks old (by about a day) and it's one foot hasn't opened properly yet.  Instead of having the two toys in the front and two in the back, all four are sticking to the front in a ball shape.  The other foot is okay.  Once in awhile, they open properly, but not for very long, and very rare.  I have seen this before in previous clutches I have bred, but the foot eventually opened properly long before 8 weeks.  This is the first time I've noticed it lasting this long.  Is this something you have seen also?  Is there still a chance that it will eventually open on it's own, or is this a birth defect do you think?

I appreciate your advice in advance.


As a matter of fact, one of my permanent residents is a macaw that hatched this way with both feet.   

She may end up living a perfectly normal life with this left as is, as long as she has that one good foot; however, if she ever develops any one of a host of things that could go wrong with legs and feet in her life, having two good feet would be more to her benefit.

The macaw here had surgery to correct her toes, right around the same age as your lovey - so it's something you might want to look into.

Doing the right thing - especially in very long lived birds, always makes sense to me.  

Again though - if this bird is overall fine, able to function as normally as possible, etc. - it's your call.